Saturday, August 07, 2010

Does autumn bring on the organization bug in your world?

It certainly does in mine!
What?? you may ask; "how can you be talking about autumn when it is still August?"
Well, I have always been able to tell when the season switches from summer to autumn - it feels different and it smells different - it's fall! Last week it "switched over", even though it is still hot and "summery" feeling that way.
But the atumn HAS started its advancing and for some reason I get the urge to organize my house and such. Today after I got home from shopping, I began the job. I had previously been working on my sewing/crafting room, but today I added the office and the rest of the house. It's sort of like spring cleaning, but at the opposite time of the year, I think. I made good progress today!

In the garden: there are beans nearly ready to pick, a cucumber almost big enough to eat, berries coming to their conclusion, and the kohlrabi left the garden this evening to be stored in the refrigerator until they are eaten. I got the canning pressure cooker gauge tested and have been inventorying the jars & freezer containers - canning/freezing season is beginning!
Here are some photos of new acquisitions:
1) the July Spunky Eclectic Fiber club selection

2) some pretty Serenity Sock yarn
3) a lovely golden batik I purchased to make a sundress (hopefully before summer is over, but if not, I'll have it for next year.)

1 comment:

Natalie Rush said...

Very pretty roving!! :) I had such a busy weekend I didn't get the fiber ready to send to you but I will! I have two packages to go out and I'll work on them this week!

drMolly, the BeanQueen