Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tune-up on Tuesday

Two sunny days in a row - a portent for the rest of the seasons ?? Could be.  I'll need to water today as the last rain was not enough to quite get all the gardens ready to be planted.  It's warm weather crops next, plus more carrots & beets, too, as well as some new lettuce for the rotation.

I finished my "big" shirt yesterday, buttons & all.  So, now on to other sewing or quilting projects. The socks are plodding along as usual and I'm trying to do the embroidery, but still have not found the missing floss.

Tomorrow evening is "Ladies Night" at the local building supply - my yearly opportunity to get the annuals for my flower pots out front at a lower price than usual.  So, after that I'll be busy "making" flower pots for a bit.

Family is well at the moment; dad seems to be on even keel, the DD is doing better with her knee and the DS is busy doing his "hobby garden/orchard" thing.  The grands seem to be stable, too.  Now, if only I would not feel so tired & achey all of the time, I'd be "flying". Hmmmm, why do I do that ? no matter what seems to be going well, I have to throw in a wrench.  Must do something about that!  One more goal for me 
Image result for smiley face

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drMolly, the BeanQueen