Tuesday, March 05, 2019

"but baby it's cold outside"

Oh and indeed it is!  We have had below and near zero Fahrenheit temperatures in the past weeks.  There has been snow, snow and more snow and it is frozen hard out there.  The melt in the gutters froze and now there are giant icicles hanging from those same gutters (I hope they survive the winter-the gutters, I mean).  

Well, I have had the date of my eye surgery set - I get a "new" cornea on the 20th of this month.  So I will be out of commission for a while.  I probably won't get my correct vision in the right eye for around a month.  Then I get new glasses which will be adjusted to my "new eye".  I'm not looking forward to the pain and discomfort, BUT, 
I am anticipating the joy of being able to really see again.

I am coming along on my colorwork sweater.  It is quite addictive and I can see myself doing more colorwork.  Working with only 2 colors is so much more satisfying than doing more at the same time.  Multiple colors give me stress, but the two do not.  I find it quite enjoyable, actually.

I am also starting more baby hats and want to work on msH's crochet doll.  I got some pipe cleaners to put into the legs so they will bend and now just need to put hair on the head and attach it to the body.  The arms are completed, but the head needs to be on first.  Then we get the fun of deciding what clothing & accessories to make.  I do know that she wants the "Little Red Riding Hood" costume first.  That's what she calls the doll.

Oh and a surprise.  She asked me if we could go to get her hair cut after dance - she had previously gotten her folk's permission - but we all were not sure if she really wanted it cut short.  We usually just get a bangs trim.  BUT, she decided she DID want it short and I had her till the hairdresser what she wanted.  It is now at shoulder length with bangs still and she looks quite fetching.

1 comment:

Scooquilt said...

The best of luck on your surgery. I'll be thinking of you. Hope it's a new lease on life for you!

drMolly, the BeanQueen