Tuesday, April 27, 2021

April 27, 2021

Well, it’s trying to be spring, lots of flowers & birds, but it still freezes at night.  I’ve uncovered the protected plants but an unexpected “hard freeze” may have gotten the rose.  The Cascade berries seem to be growing back, but not as well as I would like.  

I’ve planted the new raspberries & strawberries and shall see what will happen there.  Hope they all do OK.  Am waiting to plant seeds, etc. until a bit later, but the potatoes are cut up & drying.  The mister roto-tilled for me as he’s off on a bike ride this coming weekend.  I’ll get those “spuds” in on Saturday.  I plan to start some coles and flowers then, too.  

I have been working at the hobbies daily if I can; I’ve a flexible schedule that I try to use to get all that I wish to get done.  Sometimes I do well, but other times....................  Well, one can only do what one can.  

I have finished several quilts, a crochet griffon mama & baby for msH, knitted some fingerless mitts as a test knit for a designer who try’s to make patterns accessible to those who might have various problems, and am trying to finish a pair of socks.  All while attempting to keep our home in order, too.  

Less than stellar  keeping up with this blog, but I do my best.  Off to get on with my day.  Be blessed. 

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drMolly, the BeanQueen